Frequently Ask Questions about New Clark City Stadium
1.) How to get to New Clark City from Manila? http://www.newclarkcitystadium.com/how-to-get-to-new-clark-city-from-manila/
2.) Are there any available hotels to stay near New Clark City? http://www.newclarkcitystadium.com/new-clark-city-hotels/
3.) Are there any available residential properties for sale in New Clark City? No, not yet. There are still no available residential properties for sale within the New Clark City. But there are properties for sale near the New Clark City and you can check them here http://www.newclarkcitystadium.com/condo/.
4.) Where to get tickets and how much they cost for 2019 SEA Games? https://smtickets.com/events/seagames
5.) When will the 2019 SEA Games start and end? 30th Southeast Asian Games will begin on Saturday, 30 November and ends on Wednesday, 11 December 2019.
6.) Is it open to public? Yes
7.) Can I bring a car or motorcyles and park? Yes you can, New Clark City has parking area for vehicles.
8.) Is there a baggage counter? Yes